2019 Osechi Pre-Order has been closed.
2019 Osechi reservation has ended. There will be limited quantities available in store on December 29, and 30.
Osechi Pre-Order【2〜3 Servings | 12 different items】
MAIDO will start taking an advanced reservation of Osechi from December 7 to December 21. For our osechi, we combine Japanese and Western style dishes into a carefully decorated traditional bento box. Osechi are available only once a year we are accepting a maximum of 40 orders, Reserve yours today!
Osechi is the traditional Japanese food that we often eat on New Year's Day to welcome another great year. It usually comes with a variety of colorful dishes such as shrimps, kamaboko, kurikinton, and more. Every single dish has a different meaning to celebrate.
【Menu | 12 different items】
Shrimps, Chicken Teriyaki, Roasted Beef, Kazunoko (herring eggs), Seasoned Black Beans, Tadukuri, Kurikinton (chestnuts), Datemaki (sweet soft egg roll), Kohaku Kamaboko (fishcake in white & red), Kohaku Namasu (radishes & carrots mix), Nishime (seasoned root vegetables), Kobumaki (kombu Seaweed)
Early-bird price: $80 ( + tax)
* Pre-order is available in-store only. *Only available for a MAXIMUM of 40 orders. *Must be paid in full at time of pre-order. *NO CANCELLATIONS *NO SUBSTITUTIONS. *Pick-up is December 29 and 30 ONLY.
和洋一段重【2〜3人前 12品目】
【お品書き 12品目】
早割 $80 ( + 消費税)